01 agosto, 2014

A New Theory About Teaching Philosophy

A new publication. Nemesio Espinoza Herrera, Peru
Philosophy Study
Volume 4, Number 5, May 2014 (Serial Number 33)
1.      Philosophy of Mathematical
The Alternative Mathematical Models of the World 321
Salahaddin Khalilov
2.      Philosophy of Epistemology
On the Benefits and Burdens of the Notion of “Standpoint” 334
Koichiro Misawa
3.      Philosophy of Medical Ethics
Cutting-Edge Reproductive Medicine and Ethics in Japan 345
Masayuki Kodama
4.      Philosophy of Politics
Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere 354
Rafael Rodrigues Pereira
Philosophy of Education
5.      A New Theory About Teaching Philosophy 363
Nemesio Espinoza Herrera
6.      Philosophy of Technology
The Transformation of Archival Philosophy and Practice Through Digital Art 373
John Charles Ryan

A New Theory About Teaching Philosophy  

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

The aim of this paper is to elucidate the nature and viability of teaching philosophy establishing their impact on the construction of philosophy in developing countries such as Peru. This article is inserted in the context of the need to rethink the missed philosophy marked by Badiou who proposes two ideas and binding areas: Philosophy is a reflection on all that is in the infinite universe, including humans; and, being the reflection (thinking) an innate characteristic of the human being, then, in some way, we are philosophers. It follows two thoughts that philosophy is not taught or learned but is assumed in the measure of their level of education and knowledge. In such conditions, it is not the teaching of philosophy that which has to build philosophy or form “philosophers,” but is education. It is established, therefore, that between the philosophy and the education, there is a direct relationship in the sense that the first is based on the second and a good education is a prerequisite for the development of philosophy in a society condition. For this important reason, developing countries still do not have adequate conditions for sustained construction of philosophy because they have educational models that prevent it from radiating a good education to society. Being a good carrier of a good education philosophy, a poorly educated person has limitations to acquire of philosophical thinking. Therefore, these reasons are that in these countries, the teaching philosophy has proved to be unsuccessful. Being poor education in underdeveloped societies, where language skills and science are below international standards, it is easy to deduce that such societies are facing philosophy and devoid of conditions to form part of their cultures. Our hypothesis is that philosophy in a society cannot be built on the basis of the teaching of philosophy, but on the basis of a good education. The fact that in underdeveloped societies, as is the case of Peru, there is no philosophy in terms of what it means in modern times, is not because there is no teaching of philosophy but because there is archaic educational models. In these countries, the education model is anti-philosophical. Our approach is based on the education system prevalent in underdeveloped countries such as Peru, which is not feasible “teaching philosophy” to steadily build philosophy as part of national cultures, and instead it is necessary for the design and implementation of new models of education.
Keywords: philosophy, teaching philosophy, education
Nemesio Espinoza Herrera, Ph.D. in Management, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú; main research field: Management Philosophy. Email: nespinozah@hotmail.com. 


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